22 Lovely White Leopard Print Nail Design

Nowadays, women tend to pay more and more attention to their nails. There are plenty of nail art designs on the net and you can choose anyone you like to paint your nails. Among so many different patterns, the leopard print is being mostly preferred by women and girls. It is absolutely great to attend a party wearing cheetah nails. Follow us with 21 wild leopard print nail designs in this post and hope you can be inspired!

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New Black Braided Hairstyle for african women

Searching for a new black braided hairstyle? If so, we are here to help. Today, we are bringing you 25 cool ways to wear 2 layer braids. Two layer braids are gorgeous and you can create so many different stylish hairdos. So, take a look and find your new protective hairstyle. We have something for everyone from braids with bright colors, to accessorized styles, as well as some trendy braided patterns. Make sure to check these out and find braids that will transform your look! We think they all look amazing and you won’t be able to decide which one to try first.

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The Must-Have Knotless Braids and Styles

Knotless braids are one of the must-have protective styles. Not only are these braids beautiful, but they are also kinder to your hair. These braids do not use the tight knot that is used in more traditional box braids. Instead, these braids start with your own hair and the other hair is gradually fed in. Also, you will not have sore scalp and your hair won’t break. With that said, we know you will love these braids if you don’t already, so to give you some hair inspiration, we have found 23 gorgeous ways to wear knotless braids. We have different colors, braid lengths and more. Take a look to find your gorgeous new hairstyle!

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Cute Cherry Nails Art Designs for Ladies

Are you always looking for new nail art to try? . We are always posting about new must-have nail trends. Today we would like to show you cherry nails. Cherry nail art is so cute and stylish. Not only that, but it will be perfect for the spring and summer seasons too. Cherry art can be quite simple to create. You can hand-paint the cherries with a dotting tool or a thin brush, both of which can be bought online. Any red and green polish can be used as well. With that said, we would like to show you 23 stylish nail designs. We have simple art, glittery designs and some nail ideas with rhinestone cherries.

Continue reading Cute Cherry Nails Art Designs for Ladies

How Improve Your Life During Your Period


Each lady gets their period once per month from the time they start pubescence to the time they experience menopause. For females, a month to month menstrual period is simply one more unavoidable truth. Notwithstanding, periods can be amazingly hard to persevere. Numerous ladies experience appalling issues, state of mind swings, desires, and other negative indications during their period. These manifestations can fundamentally upset a lady’s life for the term of her period. For certain ladies, the enthusiastic and physical agony of a period is saddling to such an extent that it keeps them from doing typical day by day exercises.

Nobody ought to must be hopeless and in torment for multi week out of consistently. Particularly in light of the fact that men don’t have periods at all and numerous ladies barely notice negative symptoms of monthly cycle, this enduring simply doesn’t appear to be reasonable. Luckily, all expectation isn’t lost. There are some simple, basic approaches to improve your life while you’re on your period. These basic stunts and way of life changes can change the manner in which you see your menstrual cycle and keep you from fearing the unavoidable, repeating date of Aunt Flo’s appearance.


At the point when you’re on your period, attempt to eat as a lot of crude, new nourishment as would be prudent. Crude nuts, crude cacao chocolate, and new foods grown from the ground are extraordinary decisions. Eating crude, new nourishments helps keep your vitality up and keep poisons from entering your body and exacerbating your PMS side effects. In addition, eating crude nourishments like crude chocolate and natural product are solid approaches to fulfill regular longings for rich, sugary nourishments.

2. Get Enough Vitamins


Getting enough vitamins is very important when you’re on your period. Vitamins B6 and C are especially important. Both of these vitamins are known to help alleviate negative menstrual cycle symptoms in order to help you feel better and more like your normal self while you’re on your period. Eat oranges, strawberries, and kale to get more vitamin C and eat salmon, chicken breast, and sweet potatoes for vitamin B6.

3. Resist the Cravings


If you are someone who experiences cravings during your period, you likely crave sugary, fatty, junk foods. This is a completely normal period symptom. However, it is also one that you should try your best not to indulge.

Eating foods high in sugar and fat while you’re on your period is not going to make you feel better. It might momentarily satisfy your cravings, but it will kill your energy and make you feel sluggish and increasingly emotionally unstable.

4. Start a Flow Journal


A stream diary is a diary that you use to report your period consistently. You can utilize any old note pad or buy a diary made explicitly for this reason. Consistently during your period, record how you are feeling both genuinely and physically. Record your side effects and any techniques you used to mitigate them.

After some time, building up a stream diary will assist you with becoming more acquainted with and comprehend your period better. It will likewise assist you with deciding how best to deal with your negative period indications so as to accomplish the most alleviation.

5. Show restraint Toward Yourself


Recollect that, regardless of how you’re feeling while you’re on your period, it’s totally typical. Numerous ladies want to take a break while they’re on their period is unjustified in light of the fact that it occurs so every now and again and is such an ordinary piece of life. Be that as it may, if your menstrual cycle is especially extreme for you, don’t feel regretful for relaxing during those couple of days consistently.

6. Use Tea Tree Oil


Tea tree oil can be a divine being send for ladies who experience skin issues while on their period. It is very disappointing to have clear skin all month and afterward start breaking out with pimples and flaws when your period shows up.

Use tea tree oil on your skin to lighten side effects of breakouts and skin issues brought about by your period. Tea tree oil is a superb regular solution for these sorts of breakouts. It is non-aggravating and is delicate on your skin. In addition, it doesn’t require any sort of solution like other, harsher skin break out meds.

7. Stretch


When you’re on your period, vigorous exercise is probably the last thing you feel like doing. However, it is important to keep moving during your cycle even if all you want to do is lay in your bed. Don’t force yourself to jump on the treadmill or the exercise bike.

Instead, replace your regular exercise routine with more gentle movement during your period. Stretching, yoga, and pilates are great workout choices during this time. They are relaxing and can help alleviate cramps. Plus, they get your heart pumping without being too rigorous.

You don’t have to change your whole life around in order to feel better while you’re on your period. Use these easy tricks to improve your life while you’re on your period once and for all.

The Best Programs for Women to lose weight- U.S. Diet Awards


The Best Programs for Women to lose weight:These are the Top 5 Best Weight-Loss Programs this year, as indicated by U.S. Wellbeing News. Their wellbeing master specialists assessed 38 diverse eating routine and exercise programs, before introducing their yearly Diet Awards in August. I’ve chosen the Top 5 weight reduction abstains from food dependent on typical nourishments you can purchase in any store, and including high-and low-practice plans. So in case you’re prepared to get thinner, it’s an ideal opportunity to pick a champ!


Best snacks for weight loss

Best Weight-Loss Diet’ Award – Weight Watchers
Weight Watchers won in these three categories:

No. 1 Best Weight-Loss Diet
No. 1 Easiest Diets to Follow
No. 3 Best Fast Weight-Loss Diet
The goal: Lose up to 2 lbs. per week

What You Eat


Weight-Watchers works by offering a flexible eating plan and no food groups are ‘off-limits’. The aim is to encourage dieters to choose filling, protein-rich foods that are full of healthy nutritional value. The eating plan is higher in protein and lower in saturated fat and sugar, so fewer calories are consumed. This is the most expensive diet plan and local support group, and the most successful.

Exercise: All forms of physical activity are rewarded in this system, so you don’t need to do gym work-outs to succeed.

Meetings: The Weight-Watchers Diet offers a local support-group system that can be very helpful in keeping you motivated.

‘Best Overall Diet’ Award – Biggest Loser Diet
The goal: Disease prevention and weight-loss through cutting calorie intake and taking regular ‘work-out’ exercise over a 6-week period.

What You Eat


Enchilada Chicken from ‘Biggest Loser Family Cookbook’

You eat 4-servings of fruit and/or vegetables a day, 3-servings of protein and two-servings of whole grains. In addition, you can eat 200 more calories as dessert or extras. Your daily food intake should be – 45% of calories from carbs, 30% from protein, 25% from fat. You eat 5 – 6 small meals a day of lean protein, low-fat dairy or soy, fruit, vegetables, whole grains, beans and nuts.

This prevents the dips in blood-sugar that cause hunger pangs, and protein with low-cal/high fiber plant-foods helps you feel full longer. Avoid caffeine from coffee, green tea and ‘energy’ sodas, and drink 6 – 8 glasses of water a day. The Biggest Loser books teach how to choose food that provides healthy nutrition, instead of calorie-rich food with no nutritional value.

Limitations: Although you can eat from all food groups, some of the meal plans go below 1,200 calories per day. So you may need to take mineral and vitamin supplements to meet your nutritional needs.

Exercise: This diet requires you to exercise a lot during the 6-week weight-loss period. So you need to dedicate time and effort to reaching your goal, but you’ll also have learned a lot about reading food labels and healthy eating for life!

In-person meetings: None, but there are hundreds of ‘Biggest Loser’ recipes online and various BL Cookery Books to buy.

Try The 3 Week Diet Plan – Most Effective Diet Program For Both Men And Women!

‘Best Commercial Diet Plan’ Award – Mayo Clinic Diet
The Goal: To lose 6 – 10 lbs. in two weeks. Then continue losing 1 – 2 lbs. each week until you reach your weight-loss goal. Disease prevention and good health.

What You Eat


Pineapple Chicken Stir-Fry from Mayo Clinic Diets online

The world-famous Mayo Clinic sells the Mayo Clinic Diet book, which explains food groups and nutrition. The underlying principle is to change poor eating choices to healthy nutritious foods, without omitting any food groups, or counting calories. You can eat as much fruit or vegetables as you want.

The guide takes you through two weeks of the ‘Lose it!’ plan, after which you move on to the ‘Live it!’ section. You’ll learn how many calories you need to lose weight, and then maintain a healthy body for life.

Exercise is encouraged and you’ll understand why as you learn how food is converted into fuel for the body. There are plenty of Mayo Clinic Diet recipes online and independent online communities exist for general help and mutual support.

‘Best Plant-Based Diet’ Award – Mediterranean Diet
This is a well-known diet, traditionally eaten by Europeans living around the Mediterranean Sea. Those who eat this diet suffer fewer diseases and tend to live longer.

The goal: Long-term weight loss, improving your heart and brain health. Prevention of cancer and diabetes.

What You Eat


Mediterranean Diet Sardines

The Mediterranean Diet includes fairly small quantities of red-meat, saturated fat and sugar. The emphasis is on healthy plant-foods, with salads or vegetable soup eaten as a first-course before lunch and dinner. This means you aren’t so hungry as you eat your main meals and fresh fruit is used for desserts and snacks.

The diet includes plenty of fish, moderate quantities of eggs, cheese and yogurt and a variety of nuts. And red wine is consumed with meals in moderation. You can find details and recipes for this popular diet online in many places.

Exercise: To work, the Mediterranean Diet requires you to maintain an active life-style with regular, but general, physical activity.

‘Best Plant-Based Diet’ Runner-Up – Flexitarian Diet


The goal: Weight-loss and good health from a diet based on vegetables and fruits, plus fish and occasional meat dishes. Flexitarians weigh less than meat-eaters, and have lower rates of cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

Background: The dietitian, Dawn Blatner introduced this diet in her book, The Flexitarian Diet (2009), which is worth buying. There are also lots of independent flexitarian support sites and tasty recipes online.

What You Eat
5 Most Effective Weight Loss Programs – U.S. Diet Awards

The idea is to concentrate on eating a meat-free diet, which cuts out a ton of calories, but you can still eat meat occasionally. Protein comes from tofu, lentils, dried beans, peas, nuts, seeds, eggs and dairy. Fiber and protein also come from vegetables and fruit. Whole grains are also a Flexitarian Food Group, along with Sugar & Spices.

No foods are banned, but your goal is to cut-back on meat and increase plant foods. The Flexitarian Diet (2009) is an excellent guide, which suggests you start by planning two meat-free days a week. This cuts a significant amount of calories off your weekly calorie intake instantly. Advanced flexitarians have 3 – 4 meat-free days a week and ‘experts’ eat vegetarian meals on five-plus day a week.

Exercise: You are encouraged to take walking exercise for 30 minutes on five days a week.

Plus: Healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss


These popular, healthy diet plans really work and teach how to control your weight for life. So good luck and I’d love to hear how you get on!

Top Nail Art Ideas for Spring 2020

Top Nail Art Ideas:The spring 2020 runways presented significant nail treatment inspo—from wild ’80s prints to a crisp interpretation of the French nail trim. Ahead, the coolest nail craftsmanship hopes to rouse your next salon arrangement, in addition to the nail shines you have to get the equivalent careful look.

“The assortment was enlivened by this thought of Americana great. The French nail trim has consistently been an immortal nail look yet simply like this ‘New America’, we needed to include somewhat of a turn,” said Miss Pop, Lead Manicurist for ZOYA.

Nail craftsman Rita Remark for Essie facilitated fingertips and toes for the Kate Spade runway. The blend of intense shades made for a striking difference against the pruned plants a few models conveyed down the open air runway.

Top Nail Art Ideas for Spring 2020

“Ladies are searching for no particular reason, relatable nail searches for regular,” nail craftsman Gina Edwards said behind the stage. “I needed to play up the fun wearability of Rebecca Minkoff’s Fall 2019 Collection with wearable KISS emphasize nails. Each plan is on pattern without being tyrannical.”

Lengedary manicurist Jin Soon Choi made this “loopy circle” take a gander at Tibi that put a fun and current contort on a bare nail.

The Best Nail Art From the Spring 2020

When you possess the entirety of the best winter shines, you need the motivation to execute a definitive winter mani. Give your nails a chance to be your best extra on days too cold to even think about evening get dressed with these winter 2020 nail craftsmanship thoughts and structures from Instagram’s mani maestros.

We previously disclosed to you the French nail treatment is the most blazing nail pattern of the year, however on the off chance that you need somewhat more persuading, look no more remote than the springsummer 2020 runway appears. NYFW demonstrated that the great French nail treatment doesn’t need to restricted to a basic pink and white plan. We saw twofold cornered French nail trims at Kith, a pearl-adorned rendition at Alice + Olivia. Navigate to see the best nail craftsmanship we spotted on the spring summer 2020 runways.

Latest seshoeshoe Dresses Styles For Woman 2020

Latest seshoeshoe Dresses Styles:become a prominent seshoeshoe’ as it is additionally known, has been a notorious piece of South African culture and design decision for conventional wedding dresses, blending African and European culture!and interestingly south african component we re commending shweshwe which I love you folks this year outfite shweshwe weddingHow to make an exquisite shweshwe wedding by piteira photography outfite wedding dresses slants this season and where to include this bright texture into your life.Have you knew about Shweshwe texture?

Look at what’s extraordinary about this texture with a rich history,

just as why Shweshwe has a positive social effect on ruined networks in South Africa

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