Xhosa Dress Design & Styles.

was facilitating a wrap up Heritage Day occasion called Madiba’s Culture. The Xhosa Language School is the brainchild of Ntombiza Lingani, an alum of Tsiba Education which offers youngsters who can’t get to tertiary training a chance to find out about enterprise. Madiba’s Culture was conceived out of her needing to manufacture spans with others through dialect and culture. She offers, through the school, isiXhosa dialect and social exercises, duplicate altering, interpretation administrations and translations.he program went on about a form indicate contained models of most shades of the famous rainbow country. Every one of the models were to be wearing customary isiXhosa wear demonstrating different garments worn at different phases of life. The originators of these excellent garments were two women Thembela Nocanda from Site C, Khayelitsha and Nomava Mbangamti from Mfuleni.

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